IKRON 21st Annual Golf Outing: August 9, 2025

Albatross Sponsor$2,000

Albatross Sponsor

What it does: Provide 5 weeks of paid summer work experience, with a job coach, to a young person with disabilities

What you get: One complementary foursome for your company, plus your logo displayed at a tee box, included in Golf Day materials, and streamed on the GPS screen in the golf carts during play.

Contact ckrummen@ikron.org for more information.


Eagle Sponsor$1,000

Eagle Sponsor

What it does: Provide two weeks of paid work assessment in the community for a young person with disabilities to identify and address barriers to employment.

What you get: One complementary foursome for your company, plus your logo displayed at a tee box, included in Golf Day materials, and streamed on the GPS screen in the golf carts during play.

Contact ckrummen@ikron.org for more information.

Birdie Sponsor$500

Birdie Sponsor

What it does: This provides 1 week of general computer training for class credit to improve skills necessary for competitive employment.

What you get: Group/Company logo displayed at a tee box, brochure, included in Golf Day materials, and streamed on the GPS screen in the golf carts during play.

Contact ckrummen@ikron.org for more information.

Par Sponsor$250

Par Sponsor

What it does: Provide 1 week of health and wellness education to prepare youth for independent, healthy and sustainable living

What you get Group/Company logo displayed at a tee box, included in Golf Day materials, and brochure.

Contact ckrummen@ikron.org for more information.

Hole Sponsor$100

Hole Sponsor

What it does: This provides 1 day of classes per youth where they work on managing emotions, and overcoming barriers to employment

What you get: Group/Company logo displayed at a hole and included in Golf Day materials and brochure.

Contact ckrummen@ikron.org for more information.